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Manuscript Collections - Bonney Youngblood Papers


15 linear feet, 4 linear inches (35 LGA-S boxes)
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library


Bonney Youngblood graduated from Texas A & M in 1902 and earned a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1921. He served with the USDA as an assistant agriculturalist from 1907 until 1911. He directed the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station from 1911 to 1926. In 1926 Youngblood established a cotton marketing research program to solve problems of overproduction, low prices, and rural poverty in the South. Youngblood worked for the Office of Experiment Stations from 1929 until his retirement in 1950.
The Southwestern Range and Sheep Breeding Laboratory was established to enhance Navaho woolen products and to improve the tribe's living standard and self-sufficiency. Youngblood established an agricultural experiment station in Rio Piedra, Puerto Rico to study tropical crops. The studies were useful during World War II when hemp, jute and rubber were in short supply. Youngblood was one of the founders of the Society for Rural Sociology.


The collection contains correspondence, reports, biographical information, speeches, writings, and recipes. Subjects include: agricultural economics, rural sociology, Navajo Indians, the Department of Agriculture Office of Experimental Stations, and the Southwestern Range and Sheep Breeding Laboratory. Correspondence with M. L. Wilson includes letters on agricultural policies. Cotton marketing is addressed in correspondence, reports, and committee findings.
Information on the Puerto Rican station is found in reports and correspondence.


Box Contents


A Group

Adams, Andy, 1923‑1930

Agricultural Economics, undated
Agricultural Economics Research History, 1921‑1931
Agriculture Secretary, 1929‑1935 and undated (Henry Wallace, Rexford Tugwell, Arthur Hyde)
Allen, Edwin West, 1929
Allin, Bushrod, 1931‑1941
American Farm Economic Association, 1929‑1943 and undated

American Political Science Association, 1943

American Society of Agricultural Sciences, 1940‑1942
Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, 1934‑1943
Ayres, W. E., 1921-1936 (2 folders)
B Group (5 folders)
Bachman, George W., 1937‑1944


Barco Belt Company, 1939‑1942 and undated
Bargaining Association, 1921 (Texas)
Bennett, H. H., 1929-1937 and undated (Navajo Indians, 2 folders)
Bibliographies, 1920, 1943-1948 (3 folders)
Butterfield, Kenyon L., 1921‑1934 (rural sociology)
C GROUP (5 folders)



Capper Award for Distinguished Service to Agriculture, 1930
Carter, W. T., 1931‑1944 (Texas A and M)
Celtic Researches on the Origin, Traditions and Language of the Ancient Britons by Edward Davies, undated (typescript of 1804 document)
Chicago Conference of Agricultural Economists, 1931
Clark, Charles W., 1929-1935 (2 folders)
Clayton, Will, 1945 (cotton)
Clippings, 1929 and undated
Community Chest, 1931‑1940
Conner, A. B., 1926-1939 (Texas Experiment Station, 4 folders)


Conner, A. B., 1940‑1941 and undated (2 folders)
Cooper, J. M., 1935-1941 (Navajo Indians, 3 folders)
Cooper, Maurice R. 1929‑1941 and undated
Cooperative Farm No. 1, 1936 and undated
Country Gentleman, 1929-1932, 1940 (Philip Rose, 2 folders)
Cotton, 1924-1945 and undated (3 folders)
Cotton – Delta Trip Clippings, 1931
Cotton Belt Conference, 1930
Correspondence, 1929-1930 (2 folders)
Program Topics
Session Summaries


Cotton Grade and Staple Estimates, 1928‑1929
Cotton Marketing, Undated
Cotton Research Coordinating Committee, 1929-1931 and undated (7 folders)
Cotton Studies, 1926‑1928
Cox, A. B., 1929‑1942
Crawford, G. L., 1929‑1937


Crawford, G. L., 1938‑1944
Curtis, George W., 1940‑1945

D GROUP (4 folders)

Detweiller, S. B., 1936‑1940

E GROUP (4 folders)

Employees Union, 193419‑43 and undated
Experiment Stations, 1927‑1940
Experiment Stations – Texas

Appropriations, 1915‑1919


Board of Directors Meetings, 1911-1920 (2 folders)

Extension Services, 1930‑1941

F GROUP (3 folders)

Farmer's Guild History, 1941
Farm Relief, 1929 and undated
Farm Security Administration, 1941
Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 1934‑1935
Federal Land Policies, 1921
Flooring, 1936
G GROUP (3 folders)



Gabbard, L. P. 1929‑1939
Galpin, C. J. 1926‑1938 (rural sociology, Alabama family farms)
Garcia, Fabian, 1929-1945 (2 folders) [31-by-b08-f04, 31-by-b08-f05]
Gold Situation, 1933‑1934
Grass Mixtures, 1939
Grazing, undated

H GROUP (5 folders)

Harwell, Gordon, 1943‑1944
Hill, Grover, 1940‑1941
Historical Resources, 1933 and undated


History – Agricultural, 1920‑1939
History of Science Committee, 1939
Hollingshead, August B., 1935‑1936
Hotels, 1929-1941 and undated (trips, 3 folders)
Hudgins, Bessie, 1933‑1934

I GROUP (2 folders)

Interbureau Committee on Postwar Programs, 1941-1945 (6 folders)
Institute of American Meat Packers, 1933


International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 1938‑1939
Interstate Commerce Commission, 1947

J GROUP (2 folders)

Jackson, S. B., 1929‑1933
Jardine, James T., 1931-1942 and undated (5 folders)

K GROUP (2 folders)

Kent, Harry Llewellyn, 1930‑1935
Kyle, Edwin J., 1929-1945 (2 folders)


L GROUP (2 folders)

Land Economics, 1921 and undated
Land Grant Colleges Association, 1932-1941 and undated (2 folders)
Laws, 1914‑1929
Leases and Contracts, 1946 and undated

M GROUP (5 folders)

Mann, A. R., 1930‑1941
McPhee, H. C., 1935‑1942 (Navajo Indians)
Meetings of Staff, 1946‑1948 and undated
Moser, C. O., 1929‑1932 (American Cotton Cooperative Association)
Moffet, George, 1929‑1931
Mules, 1935‑1936
Musgrove, M. E., 1934‑1937 (Navajo Indians)

N GROUP (2 folders)

National Farm Economic Society, undated
National Research Council, 1929-1936 (2 folders)
Navajo Indians, 1934‑1941
Navajo Trading Report by Youngblood, 1935
Negro Farmers, 1943
New Deal, 1934
Nolla, J. A. B., 1937-July 1940 (Puerto Rico research station, 5 folders)


Nolla, J. A. B., Aug 1940-1947 (9 folders)
North Carolina Agricultural Society, 1929


Office of Accounts (USDA), 1923‑1936 and undated
Office of Experiment Stations (USDA), 1928-1939 (2 folders)


Office of Experiment Stations, 1940-1945 and undated (3 folders) 
Office of Experiment Stations – Ballowe, Mary, 1940‑1943
Office of Experiment Stations – OES News, 1938
Office of Experiment Stations – Office Rulings, 1934-1940 (3 folders)

P GROUP (4 folders)

Parr, Vernon, 1939‑1942
Philosophy of Science Committee (USDA), 1939
Project Statement Guidelines, 1908‑1939 and undated


R GROUP (2 folders)

Ranch Economics, 1925 (agricultural economics)
Ranch Economics Course Taught by Youngblood, 1924
Recipes, 1933‑1943
Reece, Madge, 1931
Reorganization of Federal Government, 1939‑1945
Research Projects

Cotton Marketing, 1927
Farm Management, 1927
Marketing Farm Products, 1927
Miscellaneous Topics, 1927
National Problems for Cooperation, 1927
Rural Sociology, 1927


Agricultural Economics, 1930
Review of World Agric Economic Research, 1930-1931
Classified List of Projects, 1931
Relations Between State Governments and Colleges, 1931
Rural Sociology, 1938
Publications Dealing With Farm Management, 1903‑1940, 1940
Examples of Research Conducted by Experiment Stations, 1945
Lack of Emphasis in Agricultural Economics Research in the US, 1948
Distribution of Various Types of Research, 1950

Retirement Act, 1940‑1941
Roque, Arturo, 1943‑1944
Roth, Walter J., 1929-1940 (Soil Conservation Service, research, 2 folders)
Rural Sociology, 1938-Apr 1949 (3 folders)


Rural Sociology, May 1949-1950 and undated (2 folders)
Rural Sociological Adult Education in the US, 1929
Rural Sociological Society, 1937-1950 (2 folders)

S GROUP (6 folders)


Schulte, J., 1929‑1931
Secretary's Report, 1938
Sheep Dog for Southwestern Indians, 1937
Smith, T. Lynn, 1934-1945 (rural sociology, 2 folders)
Soil Conservation Service, 1936‑1942
Soremouth Treatment, 1932 and undated
Southern Sociological Society, 1938
Southwestern Range and Sheep Breeding Laboratory (Navajo Indians)

Correspondence, 1934-1947 (4 folders)
Annual Reports, 1937-1939 (4 folders)


Annual Reports, 1940, 1941-1945 (3 folders)
Printed Matter and Photographs, 1935‑1940 and undated

Spanish War Veterans, 1937
Stallings, J.H. 1929‑1932
Standard Brands, Inc. 1943
States Files

Alabama, 1929‑1941
Arizona, 1932-1939 (2 folders)
Arkansas, 1929-1941 and undated (3 folders)
California, 1931‑1935
Colorado, 1931‑1940
Connecticut, 1931‑1938


Florida, 1929‑1939
Georgia, 1929‑1934
Idaho, 1930‑1941
Illinois, 1929‑1937 (Land Grant Colleges Committee on Research)
Indiana, 1929‑1937
Iowa, 1929‑1941
Kansas, 1932‑1940
Kentucky, 1929‑1941
Louisiana, 1929‑1941
Maine, 1931‑1937
Maryland, 1938‑1939
Massachusetts, 1931‑1937
Michigan, 1931‑1936
Minnesota, 1930‑1939
Mississippi, 1929-1939 (5 folders)


Missouri, 1929‑1941
Montana, 1930‑1940
Nebraska, 1930‑1931
Nevada, 1932, 1940-1941 (Land Grant Colleges Committee on Research, 2 folders)
New Hampshire, 1931‑1938 and undated
New Jersey, 1931‑1936
New Mexico, 1930-1941 (rural sociology, 4 folders)
New York, 1929-1945 (rural sociology, Land Grant Colleges Committee on Research 3 folders)
North Carolina, 1929‑1931


North Carolina, 1932‑1941
North Dakota, 1929‑1941
Ohio, 1929‑1940 (rural sociology)
Oklahoma, 1929-1941 (3 folders)
Oregon, 1930‑1941
Pennsylvania, 1931‑1937
Puerto Rico

Correspondence, 1936-1941 (3 folders)
Descartes, S. L. 1938‑1941 and undated
Dominguez, F. A., 1937‑1939


Lee, Atherton, 1937-1941 and undated (3 folders)
Photos, Maps
Soto, Juan B., 1937‑1939
Trip Miscellany

Rhode Island, 1931-1935 (2 folders)
South Carolina, 1929-1941 (2 folders)
South Dakota, 1930‑1941
Tennessee, 1929-1941 and undated (2 folders)
Texas, 1926-1936 (Texas Experiment Station, 3 folders)


Texas, 1937‑1945 (3 folders)
Utah, 1932‑1937
Vermont, 1929‑1931
Virginia, 1930‑1941 (rural sociology)
Washington, 1929‑1941
West Virginia, 1932‑1941
Wisconsin, 1929-1939 (rural sociology, Navajo Indians, 3 folders)
Wyoming, 1930‑1941

Statistical Service Sheets, 1941
Stine, Oscar C. 1928‑1937
Stippler, Heinrich H., 1930‑1931


T GROUP (2 folders)
Taubenhaus, J. J., 1929-1936 (2 folders)
Tax Information, 1930‑1943
Taylor, Carl C., 1929‑1941
Texas, 1920‑1941
Tolley, H. R. 1929‑1933
Travel Authorizations, 1929‑1939
Trips, 1929-1934 (6 folders, hotels)


Trips, 1935‑1941 (7 folders)


Trips, 1942‑1943 (2 folders)
Tugwell, Rexford G. 1933‑1942
W GROUP (6 folders)
Ware, A. S., 1929‑1939


Ware, A. S., 1940‑1945
Wilson, Milburn Lincoln, 1930-1942 and undated (2 folders)
Wilson, Milburn Lincoln – Speeches, 1934-1938 (2 folders)
Woods, Albert Fred, 1926-1932 and undated (cotton, 4 folders)
Writings and Speeches

Farm Cost Accounting in the U.S., 1920
Carrying Capacity of the Ranges, 1921 (?)
Credit Needs of Cattlemen, 1921 (?)
Marketing of Ranch Products, 1921 (?)
Production of Stockers and Feeders in Texas, 1921 (?)
Commencement Address, State College of N. Mexico, May 29, 1924
Studies in Ranch Economics, Dec 30, 1925
Our Position in Cotton, July 1926
Fundamental Difficulty With American Cotton Grow, 1927 (?)
Our Position in the Cotton World, Jan 6, 1927
Shall Texas Sell Steers as Raw Material or Finished Product?, Jan 31, 1927
Reminiscent, Feb 1927
Cotton Culture and Marketing in the U.S., Aug 17, 1927
Research Program of the Division of Cotton    Marketing, Sep 1927
Domestic Mill Consumption of American Cotton by Grades and Staples, Feb 1928
Balancing the Supply of Cotton With Consumption, Feb 1928
Adjusting the Quality of the Cotton Crop to Spinners’ Requirements, Feb 1, 1928
The Correlation of Research in Cotton Marketing, Feb 2, 1928
Research Program of the Div of Cotton Marketing, Apr 23, 1928


The Spinning Utility of Cotton, Aug 5, 1928
 Going to the Consumer of Cotton for a Clue to Productionh Oct 1, 1928
New Cotton Statistics on Grades and Staples, Oct 24, 1928
Taking Stock of Our Resources and Liabilities in Cotton, Nov 1928
Taking Stock of Our National Resources in Soils, Nov 20, 1928
Analysis of the Relation of Quality to the Price of Cotton, 1928
The Cowman and His Boys, 1929 (?)
Making the Most of Our Opportunities in Cotton, 1929 (?)
Quality Cotton for Larger Profits, 1929 (?)
What is the Trouble With American Cotton?, Jan 1929
Relation of Soil Fertility to Quality of Cotton, Feb 6, 1929
The Quality of Cotton and Market Demand, Feb 7, 1929
Less Cotton Production Not Answer, Apr 9, 1929
A New Era in the History of American Cotton, Aug 29, 1929
Hunting a Bigger Cotton Market, Sep 1929
Improve Grades and Staples of Delta Cotton, Sep 3, 1929
Quality Cotton for Larger Profits, Oct 1, 1929
Consumption of Cotton by Staple, Oct 15, 1929
Best Foreign Trade Demands Better Staple, Nov 1, 1929
The Market Viewpoint, Nov 7, 1929
The Market Viewpoint, Nov 8, 1929
Relation of Physical and Biological to the Social Sciences in Agricultural Research, Nov 12, 1929
The Necessity for Better Correlation of Research Activities in the Field of Agriculture, 1930 (?)
Researchers at State Stations Show How to Increase Net Incomes, 1930 (?)
Cotton Pests Eat Into Farm Incomes, Jan 1, 1930
Integration of Research and Extension for Progressive Agricultural Adjustments, Dec 31, 1930
Ages‑Old Struggle for Rural Advancement, 1931 (?)
Agriculture's Challenge to Constructive Forces, 1931 (?)
Nation's Faith in Scientific Research, 1931 (?)
Nation's Investment in Scientific Research, 1931 (?)
Staple of American Cotton Can be Improved, 1931 (?)
Industrial Research, Mar 5, 1931
Battle of San Jacinto, Apr 22, 1931
What Youngsters Learn About the Business Aspects of Agriculture, as Grownups They Will Know, Aug 1931
Ingenuity and Cotton, Mar 11, 1932
The Relation of Agricultural Research and Education to the National Welfare, July 1932
Challenge to Rural Sociological Research

Correspondence, 1932-1934 (3 folders)
Draft and Final Copies, Nov 1932

Navajos, 1934
Research in the Edwards Plateau, 1936 (Texas)
Present Status of Rural Sociology in the South, Apr 1, 1937

Drafts of Presentation

Autobiography, Jan 29, 1938
Thirty Years of Experience With Sociologists, Sep 6, 1950
Buddhism, undated
The Method of Science, undated
Mountain Culture in Puerto Rico, undated
Scientifically Interesting Puerto Rico, undated
Relationship of the Social to the Physical and Biological Sciences, undated
Stopping Econ Waste in Livestock Industry, undated
List of Manuscripts Prepared in 1927‑1930
Outlines and Miscellany

Yaupon, 1929-1941 and undated (4 folders)
Yeary, W. B., 1929‑1943 (Farmer's Marketing Association of America, cotton)
Youngblood, Bonney

Biographical Data
Doctoral Work

Course Notes, Exercises, etc.


Critics of the Classical Economists
Land Economics
Socialism, Unionism, Anarchism (Amana Society)
Statistics (2 folders)
Course Papers (3 folders)


Course Papers (2 folders, wool marketing)
Exams, 1921
Thesis Outlines, Abstract, etc.

Youngblood, Cornell 1937‑1939
Youngblood Family Information, 1932‑1940
Zimmerman, Carle C., 1929-1941 (rural sociology, 2 folders)




Texas Experiment Stations

Biographical Material

Alvord, Charles H.
Beach, S.A.
Beal, Walter Henry
Bizzell, W.B.
Boog‑Scott, J.E.
Brunk, Thomas L.
Carter, William Thomas
Cole, James Reid
Connaway, J.W.
Connell, J.H.
Conner, A.B.
Craig, John A.
McInnis, Louis Lowry
Mally, Fraederick W.
Marshall, F.R.
Martin, C.P.B.
Newell, Wilmon
Price, R. H.
Rogan, John Netherland
Ross, L.S.
Sanderson, Dwight


Taubenhaus, Jacob J., 1937-1939 and undated (2 folders)
Tracy, S. M.
Trenckmann, William Andreas Fred.
Tutwiler, Henry, 1938-1943 (2 folders)
Tutwiler, Henry – Documents
Walton, T. O.
Wipprecht, Walter

Miscellaneous, 1935-1950 (2 folders)
Youngblood's Notes, 1936‑50 and undated

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